Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The Art Room is trying to recycle! We are always interested in taking/collecting things to reuse.

The 7th grade students are starting a sculpture soon that will use panty or knee hose, wire coat hangers and 2" x 4" x 6" blocks of wood (not treated). If you can donate any of these items, we will use them. So moms and grandmas, check out those sock drawers and closets and dads and grandpas, give the garage a once over and donate if you can.

I am also still collecting butter and cottage cheese type containers with lids (actually plastic baby food containers are wonderful), egg cartons, smooth Styrofoam meat trays, misc. art supplies, non treated wood scraps cut to usable sizes, large picture frames, mirror tiles (12" x 12"), hand held mirrors, keys, buttons, clothes pins, yarn (not to tangles please), and large fabric scraps. Please wash any food containers thoroughly! I will take anything you donate and try to use it or pass it on for someone else to use.


Mrs. Chappelow

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