Friday, October 25, 2013

We had a great week in the art room! What fun projects and so many artists and art terms to learn about! 

Kindergarten classes are really improving in all their drawing, cutting and gluing. First grade is on their second artist for the year and second grade has worked with watercolors and learned what a silhouette is. Third grade has practiced printmaking twice and turned a print into a soft sculpture! Fourth graders are becoming experts in the art of paper mache' and fifth grade has learned a lot about the Day of the Dead. They created some wonderful reverse glass paintings of decorative skulls. Middle school is busy as well with sixth grade creating stained glass everything, connecting art and religion! Seventh grade has worked in animation and now with sculpture. Eighth graders have worked with copper, mosaic tiles, drawings, altered books and are now learning some basic sewing skills. This would be a help with future textile art projects (and if they ever need to repair clothing or hem something!).  

The art room is in need of a few donations. We are running low on plastic containers with lids (butter, cottage cheese and baby food containers are the best). I am also looking for someone in construction that might have smaller wood scraps to donate. Please send in donations with your student. Thank you!

Grade K-Paper Chip Name designs
Grade 1-Modern artist Piet Mondrian unit.
Grade 2-Cat on a Fence and Brown Owls
Grade 3-Positive and Negative Space/Halloween
Grade 4- 3D Initial Sculptures
Grade 5-Touchdowns (a study of 3-D illusion)
Grade 6- Stained Glass Unit
Grade 7- Free Form/Abstract Sculptures
Grade 8- Sewing Unit** Mini Pillow/Pin cushions.  Homework- Altered books-Entry 3 (Halloween double page entry) is due November 4th!

**Some 8th graders still need supplies for their sewing unit. Supplies were due on Thursday, October 10th. They need to purchase the following items: 5/8 of a yard of cotton fabric (no stretch, satin, fur or fleece), a small spool of matching thread, and a 20-30 ounce bag of Polyfiberfill (stuffing). Only bring the fabric and thread to school for now. Hold the polyfiberfill at home until needed due to a lack of storage space in the art room.  Thank You!!!

Ambassadors taught their first lesson on Wednesday. It was a great success! To celebrate our completion of the first lesson, we will have a celebration at our next Ambassador meeting. Ambassadors have the option to bring in a treat for the group. We have 34 Ambassadors. We will be meeting on Friday, November 1st (a change due to All Saint’s Day Mass), in the art room at 7:40.

Mrs. Chappelow

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